
BENEFIT FOR LA FIRES Presented by Music City SF & MusiCares JAN 20th

Music City San Francisco will hold a benefit show on Monday, January 20th at 5P in support of MusiCares to help raise money for those impacted by the devastating fires in Los Angeles. 

The benefit show includes special guest appearances, live performances, and auction items from local shops all pitching in to help raise money for the cause! 100 percent of proceeds from the benefit go directly to MusiCares to help fire victims. 

The show’s lineup includes Gina Schock from The Go-Go’s, The Unauthorized Rolling Stones, Perry Sings Sinatra, Total Dysfunction, Shaadie, Anthony Arya, Alex Wick, Diana & the Mission, Nathan Moody, R-Not Robots, The Living Rumors, PhilBillie and Jenny Kerr, Freddy Clarke, Karen Soo Hoo, Blood Law, Skip the Needle, Margaret Belton, and more! 

Tickets are donation-based and 100% of proceeds will go directly to MusiCares, hit the link here for tickets: eventbrite.com/e/join-music-city-sf-in-supporting-the-greater-los-angeles-music-community-tickets-1202750331619

If you can’t attend but still want to support the event, you can donate directly to MusiCares! LINK: paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=UF2BE27DAGZT8

Come out and help support our fellow humans — we’ll see you there!

1355 Bush St. San Francisco, CA.

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