If you haven’t heard of Dangermaker by now, then you haven’t been reading San Francisco blogs, and probably haven’t been clued into what Balanced Breakfast is … yet!
(This isn’t a dig at you, mind you, more of an acknowledgment that I’ve written about them before. In short, Dangermaker is a fancy/dancy/poppy four piece that is super polished and super fun to watch live.)
Just when I thought writing an album review was going to be where the line was drawn about writing anything other than performance reviews comes this sweet treat. It is a pleasure to debut SF’s own (and Breakup Records darlings) Dangermaker‘s newest video for “Something More” …which comes in hot off their newest EP “Light The Dark“.
I’m not going to review the video because its a very easy video to comprehend with a concept that fits the song perfectly. I don’t know how it was shot, but it looks damn good and come on, anytime you get to see Neko do his thing on bass, its a treat.
Oh, you like the video and want to check Dangermaker out live??? Well, you are in luck! Check out their show at Bottom of the Hill, THIS Saturday, Nov. 1st opening for two other great SF based bands Scissors for Lefty and Happy Fangs. It’s a good night anytime you can see Dangermaker but at B.O.T.H w/Scissors For Lefty for only $10…you’d be a fool not to be there! (BTW its Scissors for Lefty’s record release so…double bonus!)