It’s time for Treefort 9! Slowly get your festival legs ready for the next five days, remember it’s a marathon, not a sprint! For those attending the festival in person, pick up your TMF Pre-Check wristband and your Treefort Pass on 12th Street between Main & Grove. Also, don’t forget to wear your mask and check out this year’s Treefort Ready guide for all the info on what to bring, how to get around, and what to eat.
Watch Treefort come to life with dancing to a wide variety of live music, listen to compelling storytellers, view amazing art, and sashay away with drag queens — there’s so much to explore every day of Treefort 9.
LINEUP: Japanese Breakfast, Vision Video, Afrosonics, Vundabar, Help, The Still Tide, Biddadat, The Rare Forms, Oh Lonesome Ana, The Simplots, Bodies On The Beach, Thomas Paul, Earthlings Crew, The Scrub Oaks, Ghorot, Transistor Send, ROOKIE, Tim Andreae, Ealdor Bealu, The Prids, Ezza Rose, The Shivas, Bread & Circus, Tora’dan, Alien Boy, The Seshen, AURAGRAPH, Tres Leches, College Level, Trego, Antonioni, The Marías, Guayaba, The Dirty Moogs, MONSTERWATCH, The New Mood, Killdeer String Band, The Boys Ranch, Brother, The Heligoats, Porcelain Tongue, Tambalka, Mountains Like Tidal Waves, Palomas and more.