This new radio-friendly rock-pop-anthem from The Y Axes will have you montaging by the first chorus. Where bubble gum singles celebrate a “shake it off” superficiality, lead singer Alexi Rose Belchere belts out a deeper more angsty dedication to loyalty with a contagious hook. No escapism here, but rather an appreciation for someone who makes you feel whole. Beautifully patterned guitar arrangements from Devin Nelson and sonically pristine production from Hellam Sound in Oakland provide a powerful wall of sound. Drummer Nick Schneider kicks us in to high gear at the opening and is relentless to the very end. There’s a special interplay between Nick, Devon and bassist Jack Sundquist that sounds like the satisfaction of solving a puzzle. When Alexi lays her plush vocals on top, everything fits.
The Y Axes open for The Thermals with Summer Cannibals at The Chapel May 17th. Listen to “Patch Me Up” below and purchase it here.