
Please Do Not Fight’s Road to SxSW

So, as you may or may not know I am in a band called Please Do Not Fight. We had grand plans this year to head out to South By Southwest. It was to be our first ever southwest tour. We were going to play a show in Erin’s hometown of Dallas, hit up some shows in LA with our friends in Picture Atlantic and have an amazing time running around SXSW! It was set to be perfect!
Then the band tour van broke down.

Well, to tell the truth, the van (‘Mark’ as we affectionately refer to it) had been pretty much on its last legs for several months. We did our last tour in October with Mark running on only 5 of its 6 cylinders. I’m no car expert but I can only imagine that is – and this is a professional and highly technical term – bad. Then there were the brakes that failed while we were in LA which resulted in Kubes having to pull the E-Brake at stop signs. Point is, Mark has seen better days and after a few further months of driving it around San Francisco in January Kubes finally declared it unfit for the tour.

So there we were, vanless with SXSW a mere two months away and without the money to both buy a new van and the gas and food we’d need for the tour. So I did what any normal human being would do under such circumstances.

I complained about it on Facebook.

So here I am on tour with Bird By Bird as their guitar tech/merch person/5th helping hand. So far we’ve hit up shows in Hollywood, Anaheim, Phoenix, Tucson, El Paso and Houston and we are now in Austin at the Comfort Suites getting ready to head out and get our wrist bands for the festival.

I got to see a ton of friends in Los Angeles and intend to do the same here in Austin. The Bird By Bird guys are all rad funny dudes and I’ve been able to hand out an ample amount of Please Do Not Fight CD’s while meeting some cool new people. I am also – admittedly – growing more and more jealous of watching the band get to play every night which is why I fully intend to hit the Austin streets over the next four days and bust out some Please Do Not Fight tunes on the sidewalk. I’m really jazzed to be here, Austin is a rad town and there’s a bunch of bands – Broken Social Scene, She & Him and Danny Malone – that I’m stoked to catch on our days off.

I’ve been taking a ton of photos and video so I’ll be uploading some of that in the not-to-distant future. I’ll post another blog on the festival soon as well.

By the way, if you’re here and happen to see a tall guy playing Please Do Not Fight tunes on the street, stop by and say hi! I’ll hook you up with a copy of our new EP or a T-Shirt if you like. Hopefully, I’ll see you then!



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