

This year Balanced Breakfast has 1 unofficial showcase date at The Dogwood in Austin during SxSW. This is the first time NOT at the Jackalope on 6th Street. This year’s showcase is from 1-10PM on Saturday, March 16th. We will chose 7 bands and 13 solo artists from the applications we received. All applicants were notified via...
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Apply to play Balanced Breakfast's Unofficial 2023 Showcase with Music City SF on March 16th & 17th 2023 at The Jackalope in Austin during SxSW.
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We are accepting applications to play the 2022 Balanced Breakfast Showcase in Austin on March 17th & 18th at The Jackalope during SxSW with Music City SF.
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In Mission:Music's 16th episode, Stefan and Jason talk to Containher about her upcoming show with Jason's band Great Highway. The three get into the inevitable closure of music venues and if time sharing a venue could work now more than ever. We also get to hear a few singles from Containher and if Stefan will...
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In Mission:Music's thirteenth episode, we talk to Jack Charles and his goth lounge style of music. Jack is from Austin, Texas, and goes over what the week of SXSW was like without the legendary festival & conference. The group also gets into how the quarantine has helped (and hurt) the creative process, illegal outdoor shows...
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This week Stefan Aronsen is On The Air with Emily Little, also known by her artist name Emily Cole. We talked about being homeschooled, making friends, and avoiding crowds. Listen now to hear us discuss TikTok trends, future hair colors, as well as favorite bands to "mom." Additionally, she did a 30-minute live performance.
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HANNA BARAKAT + Lisa from Austin played Balanced Breakfast's online music fest 2020. Listen, like their page, and consider supporting them via Venmo or Paypal.
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The city of Austin has canceled SxSW 2020, but our venues are still booked and we aren't canceling our showcase. Join Balanced Breakfast for our FREE 2020 unofficial SxSW showcases, presented by Music City Hit Factory.
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