
and now for something completely different: KAT ROBICHAUD

Are you bored? Looking for something to spice up your life?

I have just the show for you … go see Kat Robichaud play the Stork Club in Oakland with Survival Guide, VOWWS & Sister Grizzly. Haven’t see Kat Robichaud yet? She is filled with sugar and spice and everything … “nice?!?” Being that nice is open to interpretation … by that I mean: BOLD, ENERGETIC, LOUD & FRESH!!!

Go to her show at The Stork Club and tell me if I’m wrong.

Haven’t seen this video before? That’s because its brand spank’n new today! (July 30th) DUH!

About the author

Music Promoter, Marketing Manager, Art Director, Photographer, Radio Host & DJ who co-found @blncdbrkfst.