In today’s tips for creatives, Jeff Straw provides three tips for finding motivation for your creative work in the face of slow growth. In the attached video he begins by looking at the myth of overnight success and what that means in reality. In the words of Prince, “Sometimes it takes years to become an overnight success”.
#1 Create and Utilize a Support System – Find a group of like-minded creatives to help with constructive criticism on your works in progress, accountability, meeting deadlines, and overall encouragement. These are a two-way street, in other words, you also support and provide motivation for the other members of the group. Have a coach or a mentor.
#2 MOVE! – Dance around, do some pushups, whatever it takes to get your blood pumping. Tony Robbins talks a lot about being in a peak physical state to be our most productive and most fulfilled. If you take a few minutes to do that before each session, or at the beginning of the day, it can make a huge difference.
Another angle on this one is to just go get outside! Too many creatives are locked in their studio for hours on end, and the change of scenery can be transformative!
#3 Foster a Growth Mindset – Instead of going to *WORK* on music, frame it as going to *CREATE* some music, or *PLAY* some music. Thinking of it that way, and using that specific language for yourself, allows you to begin to enjoy the process and the journey again, and find that motivation.
Set goals and to-do’s that are based within your control. Focus on output and quality, not on results dependent on others like views, subscribers, play counts, etc.
Hopefully, these ideas on motivation help call you to action, so you can go #Createmore.
Jeff Straw is a photographer, musician, and branding professional. After years of working in-house as a marketing executive, He have started his own business to create an artistic yet professional media presence for you. To get started on your project, schedule a photo or video shoot, or branding consultation, simply reach out to him at with any questions.
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