
San Francisco Band BEFORE THE BRAVE Tours The Northwest

I get bored super easy! So when I saw that Before The Brave was finally going on tour I told them, “I want in!”

I’m not going to Lie … I may have begged a bit. It’s possible I may have been telling Jason Perry Stevens for months, “the second you go on tour … I want in!” I told him I would be his back up dancer, pr pro, merch babe, pack mule, anything the band needed.

When they announced they were going on tour, I may have called Jason a few (billion) times. I may have promised a few (billion) things I would never be able to fulfill?! However, a quick phone call and a few band meetings later, Jason called me and said: “you’re in.”

I packed my bag and was ready. We did 3 shows in 3 states in only 4 days. It was amazing! As some of you may recall, I toured once before with I The Mighty, just last year! That trip we did 7 states in 2 weeks. As you may suspect, I’m starting to get addicted to this touring lifestyle. You get very little sleep, sleep on floors when you do get sleep, eat poorly, take very few showers, and it’s amazing! I think if I could go on tour once every other month that would be perfect! Let’s see who I go on tour with next?!

Also, don’t worry I’ve been taking notes! I’m collecting up advice to help bands tour correctly. I’m not sure now when that will come out … but it will!

Please watch my video, comment, and of course … check out Before The Brave!

Basic Info


Founded: 2012

Genre: Folk Rock

Jason Perry Stevens – Acoustic Guitar/Vocals
Nicholas Morawiecki – Accordion/Electric Guitar/Glockenspiel
Kyle Redmond Teese – Drums
Steven Binnquist – Bass
Beth Garber – Organ/Keys/Vocals

Hometown: San Francisco

WWW: facebook.com/beforethebrave

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