
Hosting a Balanced Breakfast Meetup in Napa Valley, California

Sometimes it’s easy to forget that we are not alone in the music industry. Perhaps you’re sitting in your studio right now, you feel isolated, nobody is in your direct line of site. You might think to yourself, I’m on a solo mission for one. However, across town, in a tiny one bedroom apartment, there is a singer-songwriter writing a sad song on their old guitar. The lyrics match your sentiment exactly. “Why do I feel so alone in Napa?”

I think that’s why hosting Balanced Breakfast meetups feels so important to me. Why aren’t people given more opportunities to talk about real things? It’s so simple, a table, a cup of coffee, and a handful of passionate people connecting over meaningful conversation.

Balanced Breakfast Napa felt like a reminder to people of that scene that there is, in fact, a Napa music scene. Breakfast felt like a rallying call to keep up the good fight. Sometimes it’s helpful to see that we’re surrounded by other local musicians. You may not feel supported by your cities taste in music, but you should feel the support of other local professionals.

About the author

Music Promoter, Marketing Manager, Art Director, Photographer, Radio Host & DJ who co-found @blncdbrkfst.